Leather Jacket of Long Ago, You are Mine! (i hope)

A few years back, must have been 2004, there was this leather jacket at Express that I was in love with. Black with a removable fur collar, and at the time it very distinctly said Squall (of Final Fantasy VIII) to me. My love of that video game begged me to possess the jacket, but my high school job salary said 'no'. Even when it went on sale for $80, I still resisted, and never bought it.

Now, four years later (I say four because it was December '04), what should I find on ebay but the leather Squall jacket! I must have it! There is currently one other bidder, but I am confident that I will win, because clearly God wants me to have it, other wise I would never have been looking for leather jackets on ebay today in the first place.

I suddenly have a very strong desire to go and play FFVIII, but maybe I'll just watch this... a couple of times.

*update* Lost the auction. Tremendously depressed.

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