I'm a big fan of online shoe shopping, even if it does mean dealing with the occasional return.
Of all the shoe resources I'm most partial to Amazon's Endless.com for their selection, search engine, and return policy. However, I often find that Amazon offers lower prices for the same shoes! Why would they do this, I wonder? My only conclusion is the shipping - Endless offers free shipping and returns, Amazon does not, so perhaps they pad the prices to cover that.
But at Amazon, I have my wishlist, and in that my favorite daily ritual - adding shoes I want, and then constantly checking to see if the prices drop. Which they very often do. It is sometimes a dangerous game, where I shoe I'm wanting will go out of stock, and then I'm filled with regrets - "if only I wasn't so frugal, I could be wearing those now; instead, they are gone forever."
This past week I actually got two wins: the first, some super funky black pumps by Naughty Monkey. Originally $85, and out of stock for the last three months, the shoes popped up for just over $25 and I hastily purchased them.
They are really cute - best described as furry dragon skin. Actually, that doesn't sound like a shoe anyone would want, but rather a mutant creature, like pink spandex cheetah or some other hybrid animal fashion faux pas. I'll just put a picture -- they are cute, I swear!

My other big score was on this pair of sandals (yes, I'm aware of the date, and yes, it will be very cold for the next six months) I've been lusting after all summer, and all fall, evidently.
They are turquoise leather, with wooden soles and metal hardware. By Frye, and with an original price tag of $148.95. I've watched the price drop twice already, but finally decided to stop trying my luck today, when I noticed they went down to $44.69. They also come in a beautiful fuchsia, and a perhaps more practical cognac color.
While I know I wont be able to wear these for quite some time (unless I go on some sort of tropical vacation...) I'm confident that I will still be much in love with these when that time comes. I recently had a very pleasant surprise when I took my sweaters out of hibernation - three post season sale articles long forgotten about. It was like christmas, or when you find a crumpled up five dollar bill in some old pants.
One last pair which I am still wating for are these turquoise pumps by Steve Madden. I was hoping for a price drop and they've gone out of stock. Every day I go to Amazon and try to will a pair into extistance. For some other girl to decide turquoise isn't really her color and return them.