I miss the sun

There have been an overwhelming number of dark, grey days lately. Often the sun does not make an appearance at all, however on this particular day, right about 3pm, all the dark clouds lifted. The sun was bright and brilliant, and I was so excited.

What good fortune, that the sun should come out at the very exact perfect time for outfit photos (during the winter months). I got in my car, drove to this bus station (a.k.a my new fave spot), fired off a few test shots, and then watched the sun get swallowed up by the clouds in a matter of seconds.

Dark and grey once more. I took my photos anyway.

green denim - white sweater-6.jpggreen denim - white sweater.jpggreen denim - white sweater-5.jpggreen denim - white sweater-1.jpggreen denim - white sweater-7.jpg
The Rundown
White Sweater TJMaxx similar
Printed Shirt Thrifted similar
Green Skinny Jeans TJMaxx similar
Leather Jacket Gap similar
Brown Booties Crown Vintage via DSW
Bag Coach thrifted similar
Wool Fedora c/o Front Row Shop
Tassel Necklace Thrifted similiar
Ring Lucky Brand Gifted
Thin Gold Ring Etsy via Sweet Olive Jewelry
Nail Color Essie Bordeaux


  1. Love this look! It looks so cozy and warm on you! love it!

  2. What a great spot for pictures... and you are matching the back drop!
    Oh here it has been windy, hot and sunny every single day- hotter than usual, which is really tough on the herb garden i am trying to grow :(

  3. Winter light is my number one enemy these days. So I'm happy to see you overcoming it - and that's a great spot for photos.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

    PS Once again I'm jealous of your hat wearing abilities...

  4. I absolutely love Lucky Brand Jewelry they make the best stuff, loving that ring!

    xoxo, KP

    Eleventh & Sixteenth - Rebecca Minkoff GIVEAWAY

  5. That is great fortune! Yesterday, it snowed, but for the most part, we've had pretty sunny days. I'll try to send some your way!

  6. Even on the days when the sun does come out, it's so cold that it doesn't make much of a difference. I need it to be Spring!

    The Tiny Heart
    Headband Giveaway!

  7. Taking outfit photos in the winter can be such a challenge, even in good weather - the gray skies can make everything look so dismal! We've actually been very lucky with sunny days in Vancouver this year but I completely sympathise with your plight... most winters we get outside to take photos just in time for the clouds to open up. I've posed for more photos in the rain than anyone should ever have to. But it takes dedication to be a blogger, and since you snapped these photos even though you lost the sun, it's obvious you've got it ;)

  8. We have lots of sunlight just freezing temps making it very difficult to remove your coat for a photo. Love this look. Have a great weekend.

  9. Love this look!

  10. Awe, I miss the sun too! Cute photos anyway! :)


  11. Your accessories are INCREDIBLE. Love your style.

    x The Pretty Secrets

  12. Can I just be honest and say that I am so over winter already! How many days until Spring?

  13. Your photos and the colours are great - how do you do that during bad weather conditions (which I am facing too)?
    This green is so beautiful and goes so well with brown and white, really awesome, Lyddie!

    Annette | Lady of Style

  14. great outfit! love the top & hat. it's been rainy and dreary here. so cold. will be happy to see some sunshine.

  15. It's nice, pretty your look, love all.
    Thanks for your comment.
    See you

  16. Those pictures still turned out so well! The bus stop is such a perfect back drop for your outfit! Loving the print of your shirt and that hat looks great on you!

  17. Beautiful as always! Love the emerald!www.soworkweekchic.blogspot.com

  18. Love this necklace! I feel like my pictures are best when it's overcast. I don't have blog worthy sunnies and squinting is not fun. Your pictures turned out great here too :)

  19. I missed the sun and spring, too. Cannot wait for the new season to arrive! You look gorgeous! x

  20. This is such a great winter look
    I am always jealous of your hat wearing ability!

  21. Love the look! The neckpiece is beautiful!

  22. Don't you hate that! We've had a lot of dark and dreary days around here lately too, which makes winter even more depressing! I love the print and pretty jewel tones of that blouse--what a great find!

  23. Always sun for the photos! I love the outfit, the green touches of the shirt are prefect!

  24. i love how perfectly you match your background! i miss the sun too!

  25. Great outfit!!! it looks warm and cozy!!!


  26. cute. love the hat! sending you some sunshine from california :)

  27. Cute outfit! I love your jewelry. :) It's been crappy weather here lately too. It's either arctic cold at 40 degrees below 0 with the windchill, or we're getting snow dumped on us. Lovely Chicago. LOL. Your blog is great, you have a great sense of style and your writing style is great as well. Let me know if you'd like to follow each other via GFC! :)

    xo, Sarah

  28. I love how straight up and honest your titles are, haha. For being so grey, your photos sure turned out bright! Eeep, that is a gorgeous color Irish green you're donning--and I love that ring, too! *___*

  29. GReat look!!!Love how your pants match the color of the bus stop:-) You look amazing in a hat:-)!!!

  30. I absolutely that necklace! I think it adds the perfect amount of classiness to the outfit!

    Trending In Fashion
    Dressale Giveaway

  31. It has been dark and gray here a lot lately too. I could definitely use some sunshine.

    You look amazing. I love your hat and ring.

  32. Great shots there....and an amazing look to go with it!


  33. Me too! But I could really go for a cool fedora like yours right about now!

  34. That is a beautiful ring! And you look great in deep emerald green!

  35. Love the outfit! Very very pretty. And oh yes, the sun in Richmond, VA is playing a brutal form of hide and go seek too. I just want Spring already!!

  36. Even though I live in CA now I do know how you feel! I lived in Northern Ohio for 2 years and I hardly remember any sunny days...haha. It was grey all year round.
    Your fedora is super cute!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  37. I love that ring and the hat looks so amazing on you, sweetie. xo

  38. You always have cool spots for photos. Where do you live? I absolutely adore this Outfit. I will re-create it myself. I especially love the Hat, Blouse, Purse & Cocktail Ring. =) I will re-create it soon.
